Tattoo After Care

Now that you have spent all this money on first-class body art, it is very important to maintain a quality that you will be happy with for the rest of your life. There are about a billion ways to look after a tattoo, and I will not say which way is right or wrong. I will tell you however, we have been using this same technique and recommending it to our clients since about 1985 and it hasn’t let us down yet. So now that you have your brand new tattoo, this is what I recommend you do to make it stay looking great forever
Do not remove the bandage
Do not remove the bandage that we put on your tattoo for exactly 24 hours. This allows that dermal abrasion to begin healing of new skin. No sneaky peeky. This is very important so all your friends can just piss off and wait to see it.
Wash the bandage off with Pears Soap
Wash the bandage off with Pears Soap or the custom soap we sell at the studio. This will make it easier to clean the area and not introduce perfumes, crappy soap scum etc. to your new tattoo.
Let your tattoo dry naturally
Let your tattoo dry naturally. Don’t use a towel to dry it, as a towel is too abrasive.
Apply Polysporin
Once the tattoo is dry, apply a very small amount of polysporin Cream (or our custom cream) to the tattoo and rub it in till there is no more Polysporin Cream on that tattoo area. Just a little dab will do ya.
Wash the tattoo only once per day
Wash the tattoo only once per day, but you can put cream on it a few times per day. Just make sure you rub it in all the way and don’t use too much. If you have an allergy to Penicillin or sulpha drugs. DON’T USE POLYSPORIN!
This means no sun for a month. I don’t want you to try and cover the tattoo with a cloth when you are in a suntan bed!!!!! NO means NO!
No hot tubs
NO hot tubs, swimming pools, lakes, ocean or steam baths for at least two weeks
Don’t pick at it
Your new tattoo (if done by us) will likely flake a little. This is normal. Just keep up with the cream and it will heal just fine. If your tattoo is bleeding like crazy, looks terrible and has puss coming out of it, you didn’t get it from us so don’t bitch at me if it looks like shit after!
Final Thoughts
Once your tattoo has healed up well you can resume all the normal things that you would do, just remember:
You have paid good money to get good tattoo work. Don’t waste it by treating your new art work poorly. Keep your tattoo covered with clothes or sunblock when you are in the sun. Don’t let your cat scratch you where your tattoo is and if you are a welder, don’t get schleg all over it. I hate fixing up burn marks!
I wish you all the happiness with your new tattoo. If you are happy with it, please tell your friends. If you are not completely satisfied, tell your artist, because he will want the first crack at making you happy.
If you have any questions, please contact the staff at Bear’s.
I wish you all the happiness with your new tattoo. If you are happy with it, please tell your friends. If you are not completely satisfied, tell your artist, because he will want the first crack at making you happy.